Persan Pistons.
About the catalog. The data in this catalog have been compiled with the utmost care, based on updated information available at the time. No, however, the company assumes no responsibility for any errors as data indicated are presented as simple information. We record that the macas mentioned in this catalog, are for the sole purpose of identification engines which can be used the Persan products, recognizing that they are for the exclusive use of their respective owners.
About the site. This information is exclusive, individual and confidential and intended solely for the addressees. If you are not the target group of this message and hereby could access different information please close the website.
Distribution or copy of our information is strictly prohibited. All communication is issued for the sole purpose of giving information to our audiences. its functionality for advertising or excessive self-promotion is not used.
The transmission of information on this page or e-mails that the play does not guarantee they are safe or error-free. Accordingly, no representation that the information provided is complete, accurate or definitive.
The purpose of this site is to provide institutional and general information to all those interested in our products and therefore is not authorized to modify the services it is intended the user so that it can not be caused any harm or used for other commercial purposes, or import violation of the rights of intellectual property or that constitutes unlawful or unfair advertising.
Therefore, Pistones Persan reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate, may modify, delete and include, unilaterally and without notice new content and / or services and how to present or presented and located. In short, any information that is subject to change or may be altered or amended without warning or communication is provided.
Pistons Persan, assumes no responsibility for any use of this website or any linked website and not be liable for any damages, direct, secondary, indirect, punitive or other consequential damages arising out of your access or use or misuse, as well as any errors or omissions in the content, including viruses that may infect your computer equipment.